The Earl and Rachel Smith Strand Theater

Theater $$

117 N Park Square, Marietta, GA 30060, United States
Atlanta, GA 30060 MariettaRate and review
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Lumière is named after the famous Lumière Brothers, Auguste and Louis, whose film La Sortie des usines Lumière à Lyon was the first film ever screened to the public with paid admission. The rest, as they say, is history – a history respected and paid tribute to, in small part, by the Lumière Lounge. That’s why whenever you visit Lumière, you’ll see a silent film flickering on the screen, in tribute to our name and to The Strand’s origins as a movie palace.

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Get to know The Earl and Rachel Smith Strand Theater

From concert pianists to jazzy trios, Lumiere has live music every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night. Check out our Facebook page for an up to date list of our upcoming musicians and special Listening Room evenings on select Thursdays.

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